Three Years

It hardly seems possible that I have been scratching out words at The Palest Ink for three years. Within this last year, I have added a free monthly newsletter, with links to my favorite books, articles, podcasts, quotes, and more. I have also modified the blog’s appearance, moving articles I have written for other spaces to the blog’s header.

For those who have asked, I have opened a space for anyone interested in supporting my work.

If you feel led to financially support my efforts, (no pressure) you may click any place where you see this feathered pen:

You will be given the option of safely donating once or on a consistent basis. Patrons, please know that any donations will be used to support my family, with a percentage set aside for our son’s missionary work.

Thank you for faithfully reading along here at The Palest Ink. Your comments and emails of encouragement mean so much, and I certainly do not take your kindness for granted! I never know where my words will actually land, so I pray and write and publish in faith, trusting God with the results.


Recently, I have been asked which of my stories have been my personal favorites.

Everything I write means something, or I would not have published it. But as any writer will attest, a few stories are birthed from tender, tender places.

These are those:


My Brother


Humility Precedes Him


Piano Man


There You Are

2 thoughts on “Three Years

  1. Thank you so much. Thank you for sharing for writing and for praying. Your blog posts are truly going far and wide. I am writing this from Abuja, Nigeria, and always grateful for Thursdays and “The Palest Ink”! Blessings to you and your dear family.

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