Knowing and Enjoying God

Back in time, some seventeen years ago, after our family had moved across the country, and I was lonely and sad yet wearing the brave face, God intervened. He kindly scooped me up, through a series of seemingly ordinary events, and used the writings of John Piper to stretch wide my heart, pointing my withered soul directly back toward the Bible. I began to consume Scripture daily, and to diligently study everything that makes God happy and satisfied: truths highlighted in The Pleasures of God, an astounding book by Piper. My world was quickly turned upside down in the best of ways.

I began to realize just how little I knew God, and I was thirsty for more. My whole perspective had shifted, and I was now seeing Genesis through Revelation in its totality: no more plucking random verses and hoping to thrive. I craved meat, deeply desiring to love, know, obey, and enjoy God more. Soon, I discovered the writings of Elisabeth Elliot, and her matter-of-fact obedience and steadfast love for God sparked something deep inside. So, in addition to the Bible, I was now reading John Piper’s books, everything Elisabeth Elliot, plus a third author: Tim Challies.

His blog was unique to me, as he generously shared the writings of others, linking to articles and essays and blogs that consistently gave me pause to ruminate; always under the authority of Scripture. He also contributed with thoughtful writings of his own. His blog quickly became a staple of conversation in our household. I remember my husband coming home from work, and as I served dinner while he loosened his tie and told me of his day, I would invariably ask: Did you see the article Tim Challies linked to today? or Did you read the article he wrote this morning? Our children, even now, remember these dinner conversations.

Time is the great revealer of genuine character, and as the years passed, I knew that I could trust the words and the links that Tim Challies shared. Just like John Piper and Elisabeth Elliot, he consistently and faithfully leads others toward God and his Word. The Bible is clearly his benchmark; his anchor.

This is why I am thrilled with his new book: Knowing and Enjoying God. True to form, Tim Challies has humbly highlighted the words of others, taking the finest quotes, and pairing them with short, corresponding devotions of his own. Artist Jules Koblun has designed the graphics, which are stunning. The book itself is beautifully bound, with high quality paper.

I could not resist posting this unsolicited review. Knowing and Enjoying God is both lovely and true; a book designed to strengthen one’s faith. I am choosing to pair it with my daily Bible reading, and am already finding myself more challenged and encouraged in my pursuit of God.

9 thoughts on “Knowing and Enjoying God

  1. You write the words from my life!! I too have learned much wisdom from the three faithful saints you highlighted in this piece. Our journeys have paralleled one another… And just like that our all-knowing God brought me to the awareness that I am not alone in this arduous walk by faith. I have a dear sister in you who has encouraged me greatly on this emerging day.
    May God bless all you do and lead you home with great companions by your side.

    From a Sincere heart for our Savior, Jesus Christ,

    Vicky Jachimczyk💕


  2. I, too, read Tim Challies blog everyday. His links are a mainstay for me–I love the variety of perspectives and subjects his recommendations point me to. That’s how I found you, Kristin! I can’t wait to read his newest book. Thank you for sharing this today.


  3. I am fairly new to your blog and so appreciate your thoughtful writing and have been blessed tremendously. I have also passed along your writing to others.
    I also have followed Tim Challies blog for some time now and agree that his blog has been a blessing and prompted much thought and growth in my own life.
    Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement.


  4. I would add Charles as in Spurgeon to the list of Elizabeth, John and Tim. Yes I’m on a first name bases with my heros of the faith.


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